Montessori Pedagogy
Maria Montessori’s pedagogy is a long established approach to Children. It is centered around the natural curiosity of each Child, his openness and unique potential.
The most important part of our school-day is Montessori work with carefully designed educational materials. Thanks to them the Child experiments, explores, and comes to solutions of problems that interests him. In Chatka Children supported by their Teachers make their own decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Through this, they actively build their personality in a friendly Montessorian community.
Every day w have circle time, during which we discover secrets of the universe, we get to knowco ntinents and the history of the Earth. Children love to explore the world around them!
It is impossible to describe all this extraordinary approach to the Child in a few sentences. Therefore we encourage you to read Paul Epstein’s article „You Are a Child only Once”.